思旺推出應用在MP3上的1.5v參考電壓源 2006年5月30日,思旺今天推出SE5170,一款專門為MP3設計的精密參考電壓源. SE5170在1.6V到5V的輸入電壓范圍內一直保持很好的線性調整度, 適合MP3這種需要精確的電壓參考的應用. SE5170是為在低電流和低電壓條件下工作設計的精確參考電壓源. SE5170可以從低至1.6V的電源電壓開始工作,并消耗低至8mA的電流.溫度穩定性平均在50ppm/℃. 它適合應用在如MP3、MPEG4這種要求與環境溫度無關的恒定參考電壓的應用中. 此外,SE5170旨在不存在Cin和Cout的條件下穩定工作. 然而,建議把Cin和Cout包括進系統設計中,因為這將提高PSRR.SE5170采用SOT23-3的小封裝形式。SE5170的主要特點: ●最低輸入電壓1.6V ●對地電流8mA(典型值) ●在整個工作溫度范圍內保證5mA的輸出電流. ●極低的溫度漂移50ppm/℃. ●無需Cin和Cout穩定工作. ●標準SOT-23-3L封裝包裝、定價和供應 思旺的SE5170采用3腳SOT23封裝形式,以1,000片為單位批量購買,每片起價為1.0元人民幣.關于思旺電子公司 思旺電子,是一個年輕而充滿活力的專門從事純模擬電路和數模混合集成電路設計的高新技術企業,設計電源管理器件的各種應用. 思旺的尖端產品應用于無線局域網和手機、數碼相機、手機、充電器、電腦、、MPEG4、MP3、便攜DVD、閃存器件. 思旺的產品在美國硅谷和中國北京設計. 在臺北(臺灣)、北京(中國)、深圳(中國)、上海(中國)、舊金山(美國)設有銷售辦公室發布于:2006.05.30閱讀詳情 >> -
思旺用于便攜式應用的雙通道LDO 2006年5月30日,思旺今天推出SE5221、雙通道應用在空間有限并且期望低成本方案的便攜式產品中. 包括手機、MPEG4、藍牙耳機、數碼相機和WLAN. 許多便攜式應用需要兩個不同的電壓,一個用于核心供電,一般在1.5v或1.8v,另一個用于外圍接口,通常在2.8V或3.3V. 大部分PCB版圖中,這兩個電壓彼此非常接近. SE5221為這些應用提供了理想的方案. SE5221是雙通道LDO,可為每通道提供200mA的電流. SE5221設計有特殊的內部帶隙參考,可以提供高于60dB的PSRR,所以不需要外部旁路. 在大多數便攜式應用中,使對地電流最小化以便盡可能的延長電池壽命. 在兩個LDO同時打開時,SE5221在輕負載狀態下典型地消耗36mA.每個通道可單獨關閉,以進一步延長電池壽命. 其他特征包括過電流保護,過溫度保護.SE5221采用SOT23-6的小封裝形式。 SE5221的主要特點: ●典型壓差330mV@200mA ●輸出電流達200mA(每個通道) ●對地電流36mA(典型值) ●雙關斷腳控制每個輸出 ●限流和熱保護 ●SOT-23-6L封裝兩個LDO 包裝、定價和供應 思旺的SE5221采用6腳SOT23封裝形式,以1,000片為單位批量購買,每片起價為2.0元人民幣. 關于思旺電子公司 思旺電子,是一個年輕而充滿活力的專門從事純模擬電路和數模混合集成電路設計的高新技術企業,設計電源管理器件的各種應用. 思旺的尖端產品應用于無線局域網和手機、數碼相機、手機、充電器、電腦、、MPEG4、MP3、便攜DVD、閃存器件. 思旺的產品在美國硅谷和中國北京設計. 在臺北(臺灣)、北京(中國)、深圳(中國)、上海(中國)、舊金山(美國)設有銷售辦公室發布于:2006.05.30閱讀詳情 >> -
思旺推出用于數碼相機和手機的串聯LED驅動 2006年5月21日,思旺今天推出SE3506、高效的白光LED驅動,用于手機、數碼相機、便攜式DVD、MPEG4和其它類似應用的背光. SE3506是一款特別為恒流驅動白光LED設計的升壓DC/DC轉換器. 該器件可以用一節鋰電池驅動二個、三個、四個、五個和六個串聯的LED. 采用LED串聯連接的方法可以提供相同的電流,從而獲得均勻的亮度并無需鎮流電阻器.SE3506的開關頻率為1MHz,因而允許采用小巧的外部組件。由于可使用數值僅為1µF 的輸出電容器,因此,與其它的解決方案相比,在占用空間和成本上均有所節省。95mV 的低反饋電壓最大限度地降低了電流調節電阻器的功耗,從而提高了效率。EN腳可被用來控制SE3506或開關LED。 此外,EN腳可以用來控制LED的亮度,無需改變PCB上的任何元件. 不同占空比的頻率可以發給EN腳,以便控制LED持續工作的時間. LED開通的時間越長越明亮,關斷的時間越長越暗淡. SE3506的輸入電壓可取從低至2.0V到高達5.0V. 這涵蓋了各類鋰電池的整個壽命, 鋰電池一般剛充完電時是4.2V,并在其關斷以前降至約2.7V. SE3506典型地具有僅100mA的電源電流. 這比典型的同類LED驅動小10倍到20倍.這為用電池供電且其中低功耗占重要位置的便攜式應用提供了最大化的能量節約. SE3506有內置的過熱保護(OTP). 當溫度達150℃時,集成電路將進入關閉模式,提供適當的保護. 這保證了SE3506和使用SE3506的產品不會受損. 此外,SE3506內置過電流保護(OCP). 以防意外短路或負載過重. 在某些情況下,如意外短路,過電流和過熱保護將一起工作, 為集成電路和產品提供最佳的保護. SE9016可與SE3506 (白光LED驅動)和SE5221 (雙通道LDO) 配合在手機上應用. 他們為同時配備有鋰電池和液晶顯示器的便攜式應用提供一個通用的芯片組解決方案。.SE3506采用SOT-23-5L的小封裝形式SE3506的主要特點: ●電壓范圍:2.0V-5.0V.●固有匹配的LED電流. ●高效率:85%(典型值). ●可由一個3.0V電源驅動多達四個LED. ●可由一個3.6V電源驅動多達六個LED. ●快速1MHz開關頻率. ●最大輸出電壓達到35V. ●采用高度僅1mm的纖巧型感應器. ●只需1mF的輸出電容. ●扁平SOT-23-5L封裝. ●電源電流是100mA(典型值). ●輸出過流保護. ●熱保護. ●2kV以上的ESD保護.●SOT23-5L封裝形式 包裝、定價和供應 思旺的SE3506采用5腳SOT23封裝形式. 關于思旺電子公司 思旺電子,是一個年輕而充滿活力的專門從事純模擬電路和數?;旌霞呻娐吩O計的高新技術企業,設計電源管理器件的各種應用. 思旺的尖端產品應用于無線局域網和手機、數碼相機、手機、充電器、電腦、、MPEG4、MP3、便攜DVD、閃存器件. 思旺的產品在美國硅谷和中國北京設計. 在臺北(臺灣)、北京(中國)、深圳(中國)、上海(中國)、舊金山(美國)設有銷售辦公室發布于:2005.05.21閱讀詳情 >> -
誠信經營,思旺電子再獲殊榮公司被評為信用促進會2005年度“優秀會員,瞪羚一星會員” 2006年5月19日,在翠宮飯店三層大宴會廳,“2006年度‘瞪羚計劃’宣介會暨2005年度中關村企業信用促進會表彰大會”隆重召開。本次大會旨在宣傳中關村科技園區“瞪羚計劃”政策,鼓勵和表彰一批園區優秀的誠信企業及代表,促進園區信用體系建設。會上中關村管委會的領導,介紹了“瞪羚計劃”歷年來的執行情況,并展望了2006年的奮斗目標。 本次大會熱烈表彰了,中關村企業信用促進會2005年度的誠信企業:“優秀會員與星級會員”。經過嚴格的五級評定,我司有幸被評為“2005年度優秀會員”。此外,由于我司2005年度的出色經營業績,又被評為優秀會員中的“瞪羚一星會員”。這是繼2004年度“星級會員”之后,我司再次獲得中關村企業信用促進會的表彰,公司的誠信經營理念,良好經營業績,再次得到外界的認可!發布于:2006.05.19閱讀詳情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Ground Current LDO for MP3 and MPEG4 and Other Portable Applications
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Ground Current LDO for MP3 and MPEG4 and Other Portable Applications 09/25/2005 Beijing, China, Sept. 25 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced mass-production of SE5169 , a Low Noise, Low Ground Current, and Low Dropout 300mA LDO regulator for Portable Ppplications.Key Features of SE5169: Excellent Noise Rejection at 60 dB.? Typical Low Dropout Voltage of 200mV at 60mA.? Max Output Current up to 300mA. Typical Low Ground Current at 20μA? Over-Current and Thermal Protection.? Standard SOT-23-3L and SOT323-3L Packages.??About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 3-lead SOT23-3L Package, the SE5169 is priced at RMB 1300 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.nxqjkj.com/download/pa.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing(China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei(Taiwan), Beijing(China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai(China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.發布于:2005.09.25閱讀詳情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Ground Current, 600mA LDO for Portable Applications
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Ground Current, 600mA LDO for Portable Applications 09/15/2005 Beijing, China, Sept. 15 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced mass-production of SE5121 , a Low Noise, Low Ground Current, and Low Dropout 600mA LDO regulator for Portable Ppplications.Key Features of SE5121: Excellent Noise Rejection at 60 dB.? Typical Low Dropout Voltage of 200mV at 100mA.? Max Output Current up to 600mA. Typical Low Ground Current at 25μA? Over-Current and Thermal Protection.? Standard SOT-89-3LPackage.??About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 3-lead SOT89, the SE5121 is priced at RMB1800 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.nxqjkj.com/download/pa.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing(China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei(Taiwan), Beijing(China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai(China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.發布于:2005.09.15閱讀詳情 >> -
思旺電子成功完成第三次綠通貸款 文/王建愛 2005年9月8日 2005年6月24日,我司如期償還200萬元IC綠通貸款。8月24日,新一筆300萬元IC綠通貼息貸款到帳。至此,我司第三次享受到中關村管委會的貸款貼息支持,這將幫助我司增加產量,以滿足日益增長的客戶需求。截止2005年7月底,我司的銷售增長率131%,出口增長率221%,成為中關村地區快速增長的“瞪羚企業”。發布于:2005.09.08閱讀詳情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Noise LDO for Wireless and MPEG4 and Other Portable Applications
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Noise LDO for Wireless and MPEG4 and Other Portable Applications 09/01/2005 Beijing, China, Sept. 1 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced mass-production of SE5509, a Low Noise, Low Ground Current, and Low Dropout 300mA LDO regulator for wireless and MPEG4 and other Portable applications.Key Features of SE5509: Excellent Noise Rejection at 65 dB.? Typical Low Dropout Voltage of 200mV at 70mA.? Max Output Current up to 300mA. Typical Low Ground Current at 21μA? Typical Disable Current Less than 0.1μA? Over-Current and Thermal Protection.? Standard SOT-23-5L and SOT-323-5L Package.??About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 5-lead SOT-23-5L, the SE5509 is priced at RMB 2000 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.nxqjkj.com/download/pa.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing(China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei(Taiwan), Beijing(China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai(China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.發布于:2005.09.01閱讀詳情 >> -
誠信為本思旺電子2005年度信用評估結果升級文/王建愛 2005年8月30日 2005年8月26日,在一年一度的“中關村企業信用評估”中,我司被聯合資信評估有限公司評為ZC2級,公司的信用級別升高了一級。自2003年8月加入信用促進會,我司每年都進行一次信用評估。2003、2004年我司的信用級別為ZC3,2005年公司的迅猛發展及總體運營情況征服了評審組專家,一躍達到了ZC2級。信用級別的提升標志著思旺正逐漸成為客戶心中值得信賴的品牌,公司正成為銀行可以依賴的客戶。我們堅信,通過制造優質產品、創造優秀品牌、樹立企業信譽等多方面的努力,思旺會將企業信用提升到更高的級別! 2005年9月,公司順利通過“中關村企業信用促進會”的年檢,并獲得2005年度的信用評估費中介服務專項資金支持。發布于:2005.08.30閱讀詳情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Line Voltage Monitor and Reset IC
Seaward Electronics Introduces Line Voltage Monitor and Reset IC August-1-2005 Beijing, China, May 1st -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced mass-production of SE809 , a low ground current and high accurate Voltage monitor IC. The IC can be used to monitor the conditions of line voltages, as well as issuing a reset a signal to the whole system when the system is first powered up. It is designed for MP3 and cellphone and ADSL and other similar systems that require line voltage monitoring as well as reset functions.Key Features of SE809:Ø Precision VCC Monitor for 2.8V, 3.0V, 3.3V, and 5.0V SuppliesØ 140msec Guaranteed Minimum RESET Output DurationØ RESET Output Guaranteed to VCC=1.0VØ Low 18μA Supply CurrentØ VCC Transient ImmunityØ Small SOT-23 or TO92 Packages.About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 3-lead SOT-23-3L or TO92-3L, the SE809 is priced at RMB900 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.nxqjkj.com/download/pa.htm About Seaward ElectronicsSeaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.發布于:2005.08.01閱讀詳情 >>