我司成為第一批通過信產部認定的集成電路設計企業文/王建愛 2005年2月4日 2005年2月4日獲悉,繼2002年3月21日成為第一批通過北京市認定的集成電路設計企業之后,我司再次成為第一批通過信產部認定的集成電路設計企業。詳情見信產部[2005]23號文件:關于印發《集成電路設計企業名單(第一批)》的通知。全國共有86家IC設計企業通過本次認定,其中包括:大唐微電子、中電華大、神州龍芯、北京海爾、上海華虹、上海矽創、上海冠捷等知名企業。我司通過一流的技術、穩健的成長,再次贏得了政府的認可,同時也證明了公司強勁的實力。發布于:2005.02.04閱讀詳情 >> -
誠信為本,思旺電子被評為信用促進會“2004年度星級會員”文/王建愛 2005年1月24日 2005年1月21日,“中關村企業信用促進會”年會在清華科技園創新大廈隆重召開,會上總結了信用促進會上年度的工作,介紹了會員企業可以享受到的各種優惠政策,展望了2005年的工作。此外一個重要議題就是,為2004年度被評為星級會員的企業頒發證書。2004年信用促進會共有會員300多家,經過從信用評級機構、貸款銀行、擔保公司等各種渠道搜集信息,綜合評議,45家守信企業被評為2004年度星級會員,我司有幸成為其中一家。發布于:2005.01.24閱讀詳情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Noise LDO Regulator for Wireless Application
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Noise LDO Regulator for Wireless Application 01/07/2005 Beijing, China, Jan. 07 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced mass-production of SE5508 (link to DS), a low noise and low dropout LDO regulator for wireless application, and SE5218 (link to DS), a 500mA LDO regulator with enable function for handheld devices.Key Features of SE5508:? Excellent Noise Rejection at 62 dB.? Typical Low Dropout Voltage of 203mV at 75mA.? Typical Low Ground Current at 50μA? Typical Disable Current Less than 0.1μA? Over-Current and Thermal Protection.? Standard SOT-23-5L and SOT-323-5L Package.Key Features of SE5218? Typical 175mV Dropout Voltage at 150mA.? Ultra-Low Ground Current at 120μA (Typ.)? Disable Current Less than 0.3μA (Typ.)? Over-Current and Thermal Protection.? Standard SOT-23-5L and SOT-89-5 Packages.About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 5-lead SOT-23-5L, the SE5508 is priced at RMB1040 in 1,000-unit quantities. SE5218, available in 5-lead SOT-23-5L, is price at RMB1100 in 1,000-unit quantites.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.nxqjkj.com/download/pa.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.發布于:2005.01.07閱讀詳情 >> -
我司申請到商務局中小企業國際市場開拓資金支持文/王建愛 2004年12月31日2004年2月17日,我公司向北京市商務局申請兩個項目的“中小企業國際市場開拓資金”:一、 思旺電子網站建設,支出額10萬元,申請支持5萬元;二、 ISO9001國際質量體系認證,支出額4萬元,申請支持2萬元。4月24日上網查詢,這兩個申請均得到商務局的批復。目前,我公司這兩個項目均已完成,2005年1月15—30日,將向商務局提交資金撥付文件,申請撥款。發布于:2021.12.21閱讀詳情 >> -
第二次“IC設計研發專項資金”申請獲得政府支持文/王建愛 2004年12月31日 2004年6月,按照“IC設計專項資金”申請須知,將所有申請資料提交北京市工促局,8月我公司順利完成專家答辯。12月23日,接到工促局電子信息處黃葵紅老師通知,我公司項目得到政府批復,無償支持50萬元,用于項目“三端微處理器RESET監視器芯片(SE809/810)產業化”的研發投入。12月31日,50萬元撥款一次性到帳。 我公司項目再次得到了北京市工促局(原北京市經濟委員會)的大力支持,說明我公司的發展得到了政府的認可,我公司的技術實力得到了專家的認同。在政府的關注下,我公司正飛速發展,2004年銷售增長率達到248%,出口增長率達到468%。目前,公司全體員工正全力向更高的臺階邁進,爭取2005年創造新的輝煌!發布于:2004.12.31閱讀詳情 >> -
我司被評為2004年度信用良好企業文/王建愛 2004年12月28日 2004年12月,中關村科技擔保有限公司與中關村企業信用促進會聯合評定出“2004年度信用良好企業”,我司有幸成為其中一員。 早在2002年我司就開始與中關村科技擔保有限公司合作,開展了第一期的“留學人員綠色通道貸款”,之后又做了“IC綠色通道貸款”,至今已經成功進行了兩次合作。我司不僅成為擔保公司的“信用良好企業”,同時也在合作銀行建立起了良好的信譽。在公司快速發展過程中,這些貸款給予了我司大力支持,同時,建立起的良好信譽又為我司以后的融資、貸款打下了堅實的基礎!發布于:2004.12.28閱讀詳情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Power LDO Regulator for Digital Camera and Mobile Phone Application
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Power LDO Regulator for Digital Camera and Mobile Phone Application 12/10/2004 Beijing, China, Dec. 10 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today introduced SE5168 (link to DS), a low power and low dropout LDO regulator for application such as mobile phones, digital cameras, portable multimedia devices and other handheld electronics.Key Features of SE5168:? Wide Input Voltage Range, 2V to 6.5V? Typical Low Dropout Voltage of 203mV at 75mA.? Guaranteed 150mA output over the full operating temperature range.? Typical Low Ground Current at 50μA? Current Limiting and Thermal Protection.? Standard SOT-23-3L, TO-92, and SOT-323-3L Package.About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 3-lead SOT-23-3L (SC-59), the SE5168 is priced at RMB940 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.nxqjkj.com/download/lvr.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.發布于:2004.12.10閱讀詳情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Power LDO Regulator for Digital Camera and Mobile Phone Application
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Power LDO Regulator for Digital Camera and Mobile Phone Application 12/10/2004 Beijing, China, Dec. 10 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today introduced SE5168 (link to DS), a low power and low dropout LDO regulator for application such as mobile phones, digital cameras, portable multimedia devices and other handheld electronics.3333Key Features of SE5168:? Wide Input Voltage Range, 2V to 6.5V? Typical Low Dropout Voltage of 203mV at 75mA.? Guaranteed 150mA output over the full operating temperature range.? Typical Low Ground Current at 50μA? Current Limiting and Thermal Protection.? Standard SOT-23-3L, TO-92, and SOT-323-3L Package.About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 3-lead SOT-23-3L (SC-59), the SE5168 is priced at RMB940 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.nxqjkj.com/download/lvr.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ . NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.發布于:2004.12.10閱讀詳情 >> -
思旺電子順利通過ISO9001國際質量體系認證文/王建愛 2004年11月29日 2004年11月18日,我公司順利通過北京中安質環認證中心外審,11月29日,中心正式向我司頒發ISO9001國際質量體系認證證書。至此,我公司在嚴格規范化管理的道路上,又向前邁進了一大步!發布于:2004.11.29閱讀詳情 >> -
思旺電子成功獲得科技部“科技型中小企業創新基金”無償資助文/王建愛 2004年11月19日 2003年9月,我公司將項目“超低壓差線性穩壓器(SE5117/8/9)”基金申報資料提交給“科技型中小企業創新基金”管理中心。 2003年12月,該項目憑借其獨特的技術創新及縝密的可行性研究報告,成功通過“科技型中小企業創新基金”管理中心的項目初審、復審。2004年5月,該項目被科技部正式立項,無償資助60萬元,中關村管委會承諾提供30萬元的匹配資金,該項目一共將獲得90萬元的無償資助。該消息同時在“科技型中小企業創新基金”管理中心網站上公示。 2004年6月9日,科技部第一筆資金42萬元撥付到帳,11月19日,中關村管委會30萬元地方匹配資金一次到帳。 該項目的申請成功,證明了我公司強勁的技術實力,大大提升了公司在業界的地位。發布于:2004.11.19閱讀詳情 >>