Seaward Electronics Introduces Power Management IC for DDR Memory
Seaward Electronics Introduces Power Management IC for DDR Memory03/01/2004Beijing, China, Mar. 01 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced the mass-production of SE9173/4 (link to DS), specifically designed for DRR memory termination sourcing and sinking current up to 3A (SE9173) or 1.5A (9174).Key Features of SE9173:? Support Both DDR 1 (1.25VTT) and DDR 2 (0.9VTT) Requirements? TO-252-5 Packages? Capable of Sourcing and Sinking Current 3A? Current-limiting and Thermal Protection? Current-shoot-through protection? Integrated Power MOSFETs? Generates Termination Voltages for SSTL-2? High Accuracy Output Voltage at Full-Load? Adjustable Vout by External Resistors? Minimum External Components? Shutdown for Standby or Suspend Mode Operation with High-impedance Output Key Features of SE9174? Support Both DDR 1 (1.25VTT) and DDR 2 (0.9VTT) Requirements? SOP-8 Packages? Capable of Sourcing and Sinking Current 1.5A? Current-limiting and Thermal Protection? Current-shoot-through protection? Integrated Power MOSFETs? Generates Termination Voltages for SSTL-2? High Accuracy Output Voltage at Full-Load? Adjustable Vout by External Resistors? Minimum External Components? Shutdown for Standby or Suspend Mode Operation with High-impedance OutputAbout Seaward’s Power Management ProductsSeaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in TO-252-5, SE9173 is priced at RMB1860 in 1,000-unit quantities. SE9174, available in SOP-8, is price at RMB1740 in 1,000-unit quantites.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.nxqjkj.com/download/pa.htm About Seaward ElectronicsSeaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.CONTACT: media, Jianai Wang of Seaward Electronics, jianai@seawardinc.com.cn, 86-1-8289-5700 ext 8808, orWeb site: http://www.nxqjkj.com/發布于:2004.03.01閱讀詳情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces LDO Regulator Product Line – SE5116, SE5117, SE5118, and SE5119
Seaward Electronics Introduces LDO Regulator ProductLine – SE5116, SE5117, SE5118, and SE511902/01/2004Beijing, China, Jan. 07 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today launched the LDO regulator product line: SE5116, SE5117, SE5118, and SE5119. With different loading capability, package options, pin configuration, and power consumption, Seaward’s LDO product line aims to fulfill a variety of power application requirement.Key Features of SE5116:? Typical 90mV dropout voltage at 150mA.? Low 300mV typical dropout voltage at full load.? Guaranteed 500mA output over the full operating temperature range.? Current and thermal limiting.? No-load stability.? Standard SOT-89-3 package.Key Features of SE5117? Typical 90mV dropout voltage at 150mA.? Guaranteed 1A output over the full operating temperature range.? 650mV typical dropout voltage at full load.? Current and thermal limiting.? No-load stability.? Standard SOT-223 package.Key Features of SE5118:? Typical 90mV dropout voltage at 150mA.? Guaranteed 500mA output over the full operating temperature range.? Low 300mV typical dropout voltage at full load.? Current and thermal limiting.? No-load stability.? Standard SOT-89-3 package.Key Features of SE5119:? Typical 175mV dropout voltage at 150mA.? Low Ground current at 120uA.? Guaranteed 500mA output over the full operating temperature range.? Current and thermal limiting.? No-load stability.? Standard SOT-89-3 package.About Seaward’s Power Management ProductsSeaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in SOT-89-3, the SE5116 is priced at RMB840 in 1,000-unit quantities.Available now in SOT-223, the SE5117 is priced at RMB1080 in 1,000-unit quantities.Available now in SOT-89-3, the SE5118 is priced at RMB840 in 1,000-unit quantities.Available now in SOT-89-3, the SE5119 is priced at RMB840 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.nxqjkj.com/download/ lvr.htmAbout Seaward ElectronicsSeaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.發布于:2004.02.01閱讀詳情 >> -
公司發展壯大,辦公空間擴展延伸文/何珊 2003年9月20日隨著公司的不斷發展壯大,舊的辦公空間已經滿足不了需求,2001年9月,公司從玉景公寓搬入上地最新落成商務辦公樓——上地國際創業園1604-1605室,公司的辦公面積隨之擴展到350平方米。然而不過短短的兩年時間,公司的銷售額番了5番,人員也隨之增加,辦公空間不足的問題再一次提上議事日程。2003年9月,公司成功將1601室納入我們的旗下,至此16層三分之二的空間,成為思旺電子的辦公領域,辦公面積拓展到近600平方米。1605室成為我司研發中心,1604室屬生產和庫房專用,1601室則是公司市場、行政與財務的辦公空間。公司的辦公環境大大改善,員工的工作氛圍空前活躍,工作效率大幅提高。作為一家留學生回國創辦的IC設計公司,除了引進國外的先進技術,我們還吸收了海外成功的管理經驗與辦公方式。公司所有部門、人員之間的配合完全采用信息化的溝通手段——電子郵件來完成。這種方式使員工在工作中即時、便捷的了解事情的最新進展情況,提高了辦事效率。從另一種意義上講,則是延伸了我們的辦公空間,即便出差在外,同樣可以方便的處理公司的相關事務。發布于:2003.09.20閱讀詳情 >> -
“集成電路設計研發專項資金”申請成功文/王建愛 2002年12月25日2002年2月,我公司向北京市經濟委員會提交了項目《電壓基準源系列產品產業化》的申請材料。同年8月,順利通過項目評審及專家答辯。12月5日,該項目被正式立項,北京市經濟委員會批復無償資助40萬元,12月25日資助資金一次性撥付到帳。發布于:2002.12.25閱讀詳情 >>